Produce Safety: Producers

GAP Certification Overview

VCE Producer GAP Certification Inquiry Form
The purpose of this initial form is to help us make sure you are getting the appropriate level of training you need.  This form looks at your market(s) and explore what they require in the way of food safety practices, training, and documentation. .pdf and .doc

VCE Producer GAP Certification Follow-Up Form
As a follow-up to the initial ‘Producer GAP Certification Inquiry Form’, this form is to used for producers that need to pursue GAP certification.  It provides a way for you to do an initial written risk assessment, prior to VCE visiting your farm. .pdf and .doc

Guide to the Good Agricultural Practices Certification Process Factsheet (HORT-285NP)
This “how to” guide walks you through the process of what is entailed for the USDA GAP audit.  It explains the Plan of Action (POA) manual, how it is organized; the various on-farm compliance steps required; the mock audit; the role of VDACS as the third party auditor; and what to expect after the audit.

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Audit Verification Program
USDA AMS main page to their Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) & Good Handling Practices (GHP).  Links to USDA GAP/GHP, HGAP, Group GAP, and other audit schemes.  Also lists certified farms by commodity and state, plus much more.

FAQ On Farm Food Safety