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Animal and Pest Management
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management (ICWDM) attempts to consolidate existing and future information on integrated pest management (IPM) in wildlife damage management. Its goal is to increase adoption of IPM practices in wildlife damage management by centralizing resources.
Risks Posed by Cats on Produce Farms (Michigan State University)
House Mice (Hopland Research & Extension Center, UC)
Rats, Mice, and Voles: Vertebrate IPM Tip Sheet (ATTRA)
White-Tailed Deer Factsheet (Wildlife Damage Management Factsheet Series)
A Farmer’s Guide to Food Safety and Conservation: Facts, Tips & Frequently Asked Questions
Supporting Beneficial Birds and Managing Pest Birds (Wild Farm Alliance)
Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)
Hydroponic Production of Edible Crops Series (VCE)
- Planning for the Market
- Management Basics
- Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) Systems
- Deep Water Culture (DWC) Systems
- Media Systems
- System and Crop Comparisons
- Food Safety Considerations
Farming Foundations in Hydroponics Videos (VCE)
- Targeting the Marketplace
- Crop and System Types
- Planning for Production
- Local, Community Focused Hydroponics: Endless Summer Harvest
- High Tech for Small-Scale Hydroponics: Schuyler Greens Company
Controlled Environment Agriculture (Cornell University)
State of CEA 2023 (IUNU)
Greenhouse GAPs This video is an excellent introduction to understanding the risks and best practices that can be put into place in a greenhouse set-up. Filmed at GAP-certified Four Oaks Farm Greenhouse in Franklin, VA, and at Farm to Table Market at Greenbriar Nursery, Roanoke, VA, this video showcases Jerry and Joyce Conner’s efforts to incorporate a risk-based approach to food safety.
Produce Safety in Hydroponic and Aquaponic Operations (UVM Extension)
- Cleaning and Sanitizing
- Fish Health and Handling
- Harvest and Postharvest Handling
- Personal Health and Hygiene
- Wildlife and Domesticated Animals
On-Farm Food Safety: Aquaponics (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
A Preliminary Study of Microbial Water Quality Related to Food Safety in Recirculating Aquaponic Fish and Vegetable Production Systems (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Aquaponic Operation Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) USDA requirements for an aquaponics audit.
Aquaponics Food Safety Assessment Checklist (UMN)
A Guide to the Aquaponics Food Safety Plan Development: Green Aquaponics LLC as a Model (VCE)
GAP for Berries (NCCES)
Blueberries (Good Agricultural Practices for Food Safety in Blueberry Production: Basic Principles)
Cantaloupes and Netted Melons (Commodity-Specific Food Safety Guidelines for Cantaloupes and Netted Melons)
Culinary Herbs (Commodity Specific Food Safety Guidelines for the Production, Harvest, Post-Harvest, and Processing Unit Operations of Fresh Culinary Herbs)
Lettuce and Leafy Greens (California LGMA Commodity Specific Food Safety Guidelines for the Lettuce and Leafy Greens)
Peanuts (Good Agricultural Practices for Safe Growing and Harvesting of Peanuts)
Potatoes (Commodity Specific Food Safety Guidelines for the Production, Harvest, Storage, and Packing of Potatoes)
Sprouts (Safer Sprout Production for Produce Safety Rule Compliance)
Tomato GAP (Commodity Specific Food Safety Guidelines for the Fresh Tomato Supply Chain, 3rd ed)
Tree Fruit (WSU post-harvest food safety and handling)
Land Assessment
Balancing Food Safety and Organic Requirements for: Land Use History and Neighboring Impacts
Co-Managing Farm Stewardship with Food Safety GAPs and Conservation Practices: A Grower’s and Conservationist’s Handbook (Wild Farm Alliance)
History of Lead Arsenate Use in Apple Production (Virginia Tech)
Resources for Flooding (Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse)
Food Safety for Flooded Farms Factsheet (Produce Safety Alliance)
Guidance and Resources for Growers to Assess Crop Safety After a Flood (UCDavis)
Post-Harvest Handling -Facilities
Hygienic Design for Produce Farms (UVM)
Drains for Produce Farms (UVM)
Floors for Vegetable Wash, Pack & Storage Areas (UVM)
Postharvest Equipment (UVM)
Vegetable Wash Sinks, Tanks, Tubs and Basins (UVM)
Cleaning Produce Washing Equipment: Root Barrel Washer Checklist (Cornell University)
Integrating Pest Management Procedures to Protect Food Safety (Food Safety Magazine)
Introduction to Environmental Monitoring Programs (VCE)
Guide to Identifying Hazards in Packinghouse Environments (VCE)
Reducing Food Safety Risks in the Packinghouse
Keeping Produce Fresh: Postharvest Handling for Market Growers and Farm-to-Institution Sales (Penn State)
Postharvest Handling-Cleaning and Sanitizing
Cleaning vs. Sanitizing (Produce Safety Alliance)
Introduction to Selecting an EPA-Labeled Sanitizer (Produce Safety Alliance)
Labeled Sanitizers for Produce-Excel Tool (Produce Safety Alliance)
Chlorine Use in Produce Packing Lines
Chlorination in the Production and Postharvest Handling of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (UC Davis)
Postharvest Chlorination: Basic Properties and Key Points for Effective Disinfection
Produce Wash Water Sanitizers: Chlorine and PAA
Susceptibility to Produce to Infiltration (VCE)
Guidance on Environmental Monitoring and Control of Listeria for the Fresh Produce Industry
Postharvest Handling-Packaging, Cooling, and Storage
Packaging Requirements for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (NCSU)
Proper Postharvest Cooling and Handling Methods (NCSU)
Farm Cooler Checklist (UVM)
Forced Air Cooling on the Farm (UVM)
Hydrocooling (NCSU)
Microbiological Testing of Fresh Produce
Minimizing Risk in Multiple-Use Containers
Soil Amendments
Soil Amendments (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Composting Criteria for Animal Manure
Reducing Risks from Animals and Manure
Produce Safety Factors to Consider when Using Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin (BSAAO) (Produce Safety Alliance)
FSMA PSR: Documentation Requirements for Commercial Soil Amendment Suppliers (Produce Safety Alliance)
Plant Injury From Herbicide Residue (VCE)
Understanding Persistent Herbicides (US Composting Council)
Strategies to Mitigate Persistent Herbicide Contamination at Your Composting Facility (US Composting Council)
Recalls, Outbreaks & Emergencies (FDA)
Outbreaks of Foodborne Illness (FDA)
Investigations of Foodborne Illness Outbreaks (FDA)
Foodborne Outbreaks (CDC)
FSMA Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods (FDA)
What you need to know about the Food Traceability Rule: Coverage and Exemptions for Produce Farms (FDA)
What you need to know about the Food Traceability Rule: Recordkeeping (FDA)